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Warrick County Indiana Pride's Mission Statement:

Warrick Pride seeks to bring together members of the LGBTQ+ Community to celebrate who we are,
what we can accomplish, and the spirit of Pride in Warrick County in southern Indiana.
We support the laws of antidiscrimination in housing, employment, healthcare, retirement, and basic
human rights.
Warrick Pride seeks to empower the LGBTQ+ Community as an advocate for basic human rights, cultural
diversity, and gender identity concerns. We desire to work within our community to further LGBTQ+
diversity, cultural progress, and visibility and welcome allies who support these goals.
We seek to educate our neighbors to better understand our culture and encourage kindness. We will
strive to increase visibility in our community and with area businesses.
Warrick Pride will celebrate the lives of LGBTQ+ people.
(LGBTQQIP2SAA supportive)
Note that this organization is for persons 18 years and older. We will keep the public advised of related
activities that may involve persons under 18 years, but only if the hosts/providers are properly screened
and appropriate adult supervision is provided.

©2021 by Warrick County Indiana Pride. 

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